Wednesday, August 11, 2010

first post!!!!!!

im nikkole. this my blog.  i don't know what to say let me start with my friends.
 I love my friends i dont no what i would do with out them 
cassie-talking to her on facebook right now. she's a really good friend we tend to have a lot of inside jokes. helen-i love this girl she is alwasy there for me and really fun to hang out with. if i wasnt able to be her friend anymore id be lost. KASEY-i am pissed that this girl left me. she moved away from me. kasey is like my role model silly to say because she is younger then me.
but she is. i think she is beautiful. and i adore her. courtny-she is really funny and i  love being around her. and HADIYA-she makes great points and sets my straight when im acting bitchy or being stupied hadiya is like my conscience i dont think i spelled that right hah. well i have other friends to but thats like some of them.
 somthings to no about me.
fears, losing friends,bugs,snakes,rapist,love,being called a copyer,someone dieing. thats all i can think of for right now :P i think my new blog thing is saying somthing in spanish at the end of eatch post.

Me encanta la vida y estar con amigos. hacer blogs son divertidos, viven su vida.familiares y amigos son mi vida.

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